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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  March 6, 2013 7:29am-8:00am EST

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see tomorrow on the show but until then let's talk about an injustice going on within our own country the fact that n.y.p.d. has taken surveillance to a whole other level just recently the department of police has implemented a new program to stalk and harass teenagers who might be susceptible to criminal activity all the expense of course of us taxpayers so are they doing this not only are they spending hours every day making fake profiles to monitor troubled teens they're also dropping in on kids at their homes driving up on them in their neighborhoods and bright mean their families with gifts but according to the n.y.p.d. it's just their novel approach to deter juvenile robbers it's called the juvenile robbery intervention program or j. rip and it encompasses staging force interventions and outreach among many other bizarre pre-crime police tactics and a statement about the program police housing bureau chief joanne jaf said quote we're coming to find you and monitor every step you take and we're going to learn
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about every bad friend you have and you're going to get alienated from those friends because we're going to be all over you. wow this sounds not only terrifying but completely counterintuitive in a giant waste of resources this money should be spent on bringing people up out of poverty which is the main source of crime cops reaching out to the youth should be defined by forced outreach and harassment if you agree and join me and break the set. from experience or violence the crackdown on the liberties the war on terrorism seriously have made its way to most every aspect of our lives now a lot of people out there might say this war is not meant to be one meant to be sustained and i can't help but agree especially when i look at the most absurd tactics and technological advance investments and advancements being made to fight
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off all those invisible threats out there today i'm going to highlight just a few of them bomb sniffing plants komi nursery schools for radical extremism and train me now to go over the most ridiculous tactics being used in the war on terror . and well. i like your name with a little accent so i want to go over let's go over five of these that i like to do the top five crack dot com always put together these great let's start with number five trolling terrorist a message board first of all with a terrorist message board the other is number of it's funny because like when we think of terror we think honestly i think of this like the invisible bogeyman of course we all do but with these message boards like jihad it's websites or message boards where people can come together and talk about all the dubious ways that they can for the u.s. government but really is the best way to go about this to hire government agents to unlike military agents to go in troll these message boards with like angry mode but
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i don't like bad ideas sad face don't do this do you want to have the edge of a shout out so you know it's an internet that's most absurd about this it's called viral peace love the absurdity orwellian things a program to thwart terrorist instigators with logic humor satire and religious arguments is literally on this website it's a program description that's how they're going to turn these terrorists i mean come on really satire viral viral piece actually holds these seminars and i know that there is one seminar that they hold in the philippines where they actually training people they're outsourcing these jobs so that they can they can train people how to troll you know what they're probably doing they're probably trolling because. really i mean how walky i'll walk in a six year old son we saw what they did to him he was simply doing exactly what they claim this program is for murder with a drone sixteen year old son with a drone his friend that's what they do to people who are instigating terrorist activity and you're saying that the surveillance state doesn't monitor these people and know exactly what they're doing and when exactly you know i can't just stand out on
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a street corner and hand out flyers for terrorism so let's talk about number for hire science fiction writers as consultants for the intelligence and defense department seriously i think this is a great idea remember. what they place the blame on for nine eleven it was it was a failure that's not intelligence it was a failure of imagination exactly so who better for imagination than science fiction writers of all that's absurd the erroneous it's ridiculous i completely agree but you've got to look at some of the people the were hired so the team is called and some people might know exactly who greg bear is the creator of the video game halo is one of the guys on the payroll to kind of come up with the ideas as well but i mean this is nothing new this is been going on for years the united states government pretty much has a contingency plan for just about anything that could be thrown our way i mean the c.d.c. the center for disease control has a contingency plan in the event of a zombie apocalypse so everyone keeps taking bath salts that might but as far as i
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know if they exist i mean they might as well hire tom clancy because that's the name of the commission report read as a tom clancy novel full of was there for me from the planet of the apes then they said it happens to encase apes take over the country illegally was a little bit if i may do need that author to help them draft allusions and talk about the next one which is so bizarre man and even know about this bomb sniffing lands we're talking about plants that have that can trace minute amounts of target explosive substances and the plant will drain its chlorophyll turn from that the green color to a spongy whiteness of a quart can you. picture t.s.a. agent just watching plants very go through the gate i mean why why is this is a first first of all what we're highlighting is how absurd the war on terror is becoming the investments in these like a completely ridiculous kind of technology which money they don't even want to do the university of colorado isn't closer to this than you think they're really
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getting close to making this a possibility and the idea is that you can align the airports with these plants that are very you know good looking decorative plants but if they change color into the color of this crazy looking corpse we should probably run because somebody has got. i don't know stupid investment when we have really sophisticated detection technology already hooked up with explosives but let's move on to trading via agra for cia cooperation especially in afghanistan we already know that the cia and people on the ground are funding terrorism going to switch sides. which of course is absurd in itself but this even goes further than that yeah i mean this is ridiculous should should the united states military be giving out biograph to informants i mean it used to be captured and that was the big first of all we shouldn't. i don't even know where to start with that even though it's the city that we're both right exactly but i mean what they used to do they would just give out cash payments to these informants and then the they would just you know it's like giving them a blank check that it's literally going on i mean information they're going out i
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think it was a two hundred thousand dollar. payout to an informant in yemen i believe and he went out and bought a lamborghini i mean like what how much from that they go on to just giving out first of all you're giving this this is just completely ridiculous there's no reason that the united states government should be given by a. i don't even know to save us i'm going to talk about many other one the last but not least nursery schools for radical extremism i mean they're talking about there's actually a whole program especially in the u.k. yes special intelligence unit to troll kindergartens and preschools for potential pretty numb for terror really i tell it starts young this is our internet isn't the internet this is. and does not exist here which is naturally they should be trolling the pregnant struggling for another terrorist like we're going to do it with the women about a pretty printer or do you really should be taking this seriously because i mean look at the what some of the warning signs that they're looking for kids depicting bombs and violence and fire in our work at school you know what i if you're
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a parent out there this is what i advise you to do so it's very deprivation for your children because it because they can't come in contact with anything in society because they can't rely on assuming one undertones and it's just absurd thank you so much manny well i don't know. if you live in d.c. you might have heard by now that the american israel public affairs committee israel's biggest lobbying group is in town for their annual conference and if you're a local you might also be aware of the restaurant busboys and poets politically counterculture and venue that provides a refreshing contrast to d.c. sterile establishment vibe well yesterday one of busboys and poets servers had a less than pleasurable experience with some of the pax members her name is maria morgan and she was denied a tip from the lobbyist because of the message displayed on her t.-shirt which read
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occupation isn't pretty known that it ain't her diners were amused instead of leaving a tip they left an eight pack brochure and a note that read displaying your political beliefs on a shirt cost you a percentage of your tip. yup but the irony in all of this was voiced by one of morgan's friends who said quote nothing says we're a pack better than this story basically saying ask your freedom of speech referrer rich powerful lobby and will punish you financially this intimidation is just a reflection of the tactics the same lobby you. this to influence our elected officials and it goes without saying that most of our congressional representatives don't have the same courage that morgan does that's exactly why a busboys and poets server maria khalifa morgan is today's hero and if you have the pleasure of being waited on by her death leave an extra tip she deserves it so if
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she's the hero who is they've been well that dishonor to day falls on south carolina senator lindsey graham along with a couple other members of congress who are pushing a very disturbing bill the bill senate resolution sixty five is a heavy on apex agenda this year it's also dubbed the back war sorry back door to iran war resolution well it's a mouthful and if passed it effectively commit the us to support israel militarily should israel decide to preemptively attack iran just yesterday robert naiman of just foreign policy a labrat it just on what this bill means take a look. look at this bill in the senate you know the top lobbying demand of a pac this week which already has twenty one senate. sponsors including like barbara boxer and ron wyden and sure brown saying explicitly if israel attacks iran the united states should support israel militarily and diplomatically which is
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the opposite of current united states policy so is there still discussion about attacking and you know that means that would mean israel the israeli government having the power to determine when the united states goes to war so not only does this bill go against current u.s. policy but it was centrally give the state of israel the helm of control on whether or not the u.s. goes to war the u.s. chose to back israel on this would potentially jump start world war three and while this bill on its own disturbs me greatly what's perhaps even more troubling is seeing how eager our representatives are to instantly support. a bill that would encourage death courage and bloodshed over diplomacy twenty one members are currently signed on with bipartisan support from senators like john mccain barbara boxer most surprisingly ron wyden but there could only be one villain so first sponsoring this bill which is an attempt at outsourcing america's declaration of
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war against a sovereign state to israel south carolina senator lindsey graham you are today's villain. if you're wondering what i'm doing when i'm not on air checking out on twitter and having martin like you see you can follow me there and also find all my tweets linking the segments from the show as well as the random thoughts i have throughout the day. and also please help us get breaking the set trending on twitter occasional throw from hashtags we can get trading on those twitters very but we can only do it with your help i had to twitter dot com and checking out at martin now they take a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned because the dangerous implications of agag laws next.
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children. they're serving a sentence just like their mother. little ones born in prison. must be for the crimes committed by their parents. to babies one are choosing. to leave speech or language as. implement the law and not advance. music programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little turn it into angles couldn't stories. you hear. they try i'll teach spanish to find out more visit i to allahabad all tito is comb
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a little. ever seen anything like that. i've ever seen images from inside a slaughterhouse that exposes the horrific treatment of animals and livestock typically the kind of acts los of coverage that has the power to both alert the public and hold corrupt and factures accountable for ill practices this investigative reporting is now in jeopardy they'd vance min of quote ag gag laws
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which of either passed or are being considered for passage in about a dozen states so far once implemented these bills make it illegal to do any sort of undercover reporting on food processing centers in this state an unprecedented censorship censorship that could have a significant impact on the kinds of checks and balances needed to ensure ethical food production and a healthy food supply so to talk about the advancement of these bills and their inevitably dangerous implications i'm joined now by will potter and a pen journalist and author of green is the new read an insider's account of the social movement under siege thanks so much for coming out of well it's going to have to give us a sense in more detail than what i just said of what these bills do and what kind of penalties they hold so like you said these bills have been introduced in about ten states so far this year and they explicitly target undercover investigators whistleblowers and in some cases even journalists who expose what happens on factory farms and slaughterhouses there are a direct response to
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a series of investigations that have really rocked the factory farming industry and brought these issues to a national spotlight like never before in the industry is running scared right now talk about the further implication you said that they could affect journalists i mean i don't think a lot of people realize what that means give us a sense of what so some of these bills are written so broadly that they target anyone who takes photography or video documentation of what happens in these facilities and in some cases goes even further in targets anyone who possesses or distributes that footage. so a lot of this has been the focus of animal rights activists but if someone like me or you won along with these activists inside these facilities or got a job like in the food lion case in north carolina from years ago and actually worked in facilities to document abuses you could be targeted as well unbelievable . so here on the show i mean if we decided to air or some of the footage that was that had been received through these means i mean we could potentially be criminalize or penalized for distributing those are some of the questions that these bills are really is and they're written so vaguely and so broadly that i
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think the discussions that need to be. what is the argument of those who are saying that they need these laws well that argument has really shifted over the last year because as these bills have been introduced industry has been on the defensive people don't like being told not to see things and that they don't have a right to know how their food is produced so now what industry is saying is that investigators have to report abuse within twenty four forty eight hours because they want to make sure these abuses stop it's complete garbage because for one investigators need more time than that to document a pattern of abuse and secondly the reason the teamsters and other unions oppose this is that workers have a right to solicit an attorney and get legal advice so you can't do that twenty four hours it's an absurd way to just suppress suppress the truth and also i mean they're calling this eco terrorism there's a lot of language that really puts this harsh rhetoric on there which of course up to the penalties you've written about this how dangerous it is it's kind of slap this label i mean how are they saying that this would terrorize these companies
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this is really an outgrowth alec of the american legislative exchange council had one of these eco terrorism bills that was created two years ago and now a lot of that language is popping up today in indiana one of the bills explicitly begins talking about terrorism and then goes on to talk about photographing factory farms similarly the f.b.i. documents on my website i'm getting to read expose how the f.b.i. is considered terrorism prosecutions. for investigators for people that are just documenting these animal welfare violations and what are they trying so hard to cover up i mean what are some instances of the most egregious cruelty or cases that we've seen that really wouldn't be known if it weren't for this type of it's going to go on investigation after investigation we've seen isolated cases like workers beating turkey is with metal pipes but we've also seen systemic animal welfare violations i mean we're seeing standard industry practices and that's what these legislation is really all about things like just station crates which are industry
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norms that keep a small units that they can't turn around for their entire lives battery cages these kind of standard industry procedures that factory farms don't want you to know about unbelievable. how is this happening i mean it seems like you just said ten just this year i mean this is a huge effort here you said alec which of course seems like all these things come back to. another type of industry like alec. what kind of lobbying efforts are behind these what kind of money what kind of corporations are we talking about here we're really seeing a similar pattern that after one of these major investigations takes place legislation is really soon to follow that to criminalize and to target it in many cases the people that are introducing this legislation at the state level have direct ties to industry i mean in iowa which was the first state to pass one of these ag gag bills last year the supporters had direct ties to the poor industry in florida ties to the poultry industry i mean it's almost brazen how direct these
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connections are between industry and politicians it is brazen talk about exactly what states that implemented it and which ones are trying to serve right now some of the states that have had it introduced or wyoming indiana tend to see pennsylvania new mexico or console i think i'm listing a couple out there we're also on watch for them appearing in north carolina minnesota in vermont. they have already failed in a couple states this session which is great but for every state that fails california was recently introduced so they're trying to move those goalposts and the industry has not deterred it and how did they how did they get halted in those states and what are people doing to prevent this because it seems like there's an overwhelming push of lobbying forces here wyoming was a great example because the supporters of that legislation said that they tabled it indefinitely after a massive outcry of public support and part of that public support came in one piece so let's say that bob barker from the price is right to send
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a letter to the congressman in the state and i think that was a really telling example of how terrified these politicians and industry because when you have people actually start to know what's going on the actual bob barker i said i haven't you. i don't drive on the harbor i'm going to write your estate you know if we can't stop it well what can we do to make sure that the food we're eating is safe that these animals are getting treated a lot of people don't even want to watch these videos they want nothing to do with because it's just so terrifying to them to see the source of their group or so far removed from it i mean that's really the question this is an industry one that wants to operate in total secrecy and with total immunity there's virtually no oversight of factory farming in big our culture in this country there are no animal welfare laws that protect these animals during their lives the only meaningful check and balance on this system are people like undercover investigators and that's what industry is trying to do to make sure that there is absolutely zero oversight and that consumers have no right to know what's going on this is really
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the last bastion of insight into these facilities really is these people who try to get a job and they film undercover i mean this is really the last leg revealing what's happening there so that's why it's so important let's bring the conversation to the food safety just argument in general i mean last year last year alexis baden mayor political director for going to consumers association going to arrest him for the white house for trying to deliver petitions for g.m.o. labeling because she said no one is returning her calls you can get in contact. i just simply wanted to deliver these petitions taking that into account can you speak to just a larger attack happening to environmental activists and activists like you said it's really part of a broader campaign that has reputations not just for the activists but for everyone not just in terms of civil liberties but as also as consumers an example of that is out in california with hallmark facility that was expose breaking and what are called down cows downer cows to slaughter and they're meant to not be allowed into the food supply because they pose a public health risk but we're seeing this time and again and we would have found
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out anything about it and when you have had the largest meat recall in u.s. history if it weren't for the work of undercover investigators and these are the people that are being labeled as terrorists right now unbelievable thank you so much will potter author of green is the new read on check out the website thanks robert. let's talk about wall street for a second you know i couldn't help but seen a number of headlines this morning talking about the dow jones industrial average topping its all time high but of course this go to market indicator is just one more example of how comfy wall street is in comparison to the average american because despite gridlock in washington over the budget crunch and sequester and the economic hardships americans are dealing with on a daily basis wall street's making out just fine that's right but the proposed
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eighty five billion dollars in cuts the public sector and the potential loss of seven hundred thousand jobs big corporations will continue to make record profits which of course will further extend the gaping disparity that already exists between the rich and the poor now many of us already have a perception of this country's wealth distribution but as this following video points out that perception is severely skewed and sadly not in our favor check it out. here's what we think it is again and here is the actual distribution shockingly skewed not only do the bottom twenty percent and the next twenty percent the bottom forty percent of americans barely have any well i mean it's hard to even see them on the chart but the top one percent has more of the country's wealth then nine out of ten americans believe the entire top twenty percent should have mind
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blowing mind blowing indeed in fact it's even crazier when you look at the alarming trend of exponential financial growth for corporations since the recession and subsequent bailouts according to think progress from two thousand and nine into two thousand and eleven eighty eight percent of this country's income growth went to corporate profits only one percent went to paying worker incomes all of course with a note. down mechanism in place in fact a lot of corporations haven't heard any new employees in recent years but it's ok because they're paying their fair share of taxes right nope corporations are paying taxes right now at a rate that hit a forty year low in two thousand and that they paid anything at all so what do we do well perhaps we should look at other industrialized western countries who are taking the initiative to fight their robber barrons one of them is switzerland
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now let me set the backdrop really quickly recent there been proposals all across europe to cap the salaries of those in top management positions but switzerland is take it one step further sixty eight percent of people in the country just voted for serious curbs on corporate wages and a bill dubbed the ripple of voters approved giving the shareholders a say on executive pay but also banned the use of golden parachutes or huge bonuses and packages for executives joining or leaving the company mandates annual reelections for directors and threatens three years in jail for those who violate the new rules imagine that jailing people who violate laws the fact that so many people in switzerland have spoken out that they mean business in the best part of this bold move is encouraging other states to ice similar restrictions but what about us yes our government might be largely consisted of empty suits working to do
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the bidding of the banks but if switzerland teaches us anything it's that we have the power so they did it why can't we. just was the envy of employers. have good reason to trust no one. is flawed he was found in this. florida is huge. but did he die of natural causes. the mystery of style instead.
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a little bit. of both of those. lives. her mother lived. at the goodspeed feed. her her her mother whitley. cutler all of whom are misleading
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good luck her mother just seemed to look at it and i'm. going to get her to come out of the bottom of that little. venezuela begins seven days of mourning.


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